Madden Nfl 16 Ign

Madden Nfl 16 Ign

Agosto tiene dos cosas buenas. Las vacaciones y la llegada de la entrega anual de NFL Madden. Este año asistimos al nacimiento de su entrega número 16, lo que convierte a esta saga en una de las más longevas en la historia de los juegos deportivos. 【游侠导读】EA体育大作《麦登橄榄球16(Madden NFL 16)》获得了IGN 8.8分的好评,橄榄球在我国不是热门的体育运动,在美国可是很受欢迎,如果你喜欢橄榄球运动的话这款游戏值得一玩。 麦登橄榄球16XBOX ONE麦登橄榄球16麦登橄榄球16评分 EA体育大作《麦登橄榄球16(Madden NFL 16)》获得了IGN 8.8分的好评,橄榄球在我国不是热门的体育运动,在美国可是很受欢迎,如果你喜欢橄榄球 Pick either a PS4 with either Batman or The Last of Us Remastered, then pick another game, then Walmart tosses in Madden NFL 16 and three months of PS Plus. Amazon Is Selling The PS4 With A Free Copy Of Madden Not as good as the Walmart deal above If you're more inclined to play the other game with the egg-shaped ball, check out our review of Madden NFL 16, where we said that "long time Madden players might need to retrain their brain to take full advantage of these mechanics, but to be sure .

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